The Dos and Don’ts of a First OUI Charge

If you’ve recently received your first OUI charge, you may be scared, confused, or unsure of what to do. Here are the basic Dos and Don’ts of a first OUI charge. Following this guidance will help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case and avoid further charges or penalties.

Don’t: Violate Your License Suspension

In the state of Massachusetts, your license is immediately suspended following an OUI arrest, even though you haven’t been convicted. Don’t take the risk of driving with a suspended license and inviting a second set of charges; use public transportation, rideshares, or carpools to get around while your license is suspended.

Do: Follow All Instructions From the Court

When you receive an OUI charge, the court will require you to provide certain information to the probation department to run a criminal record check and you will need to appear in court when requested to do so by the court. It’s important to cooperate. Failure to comply with court-mandated instructions can have a negative impact on your case and its outcome.

Don’t: Skip Court

Failure to appear in front of the court can have significant legal consequences. It’s of the utmost importance that you show up to all required court appearances for your OUI and present yourself as favorably as possible.  It is important to stay involved in your case to fully understand the legal implications an OUI will have on your life.

Do: Hire an Attorney

Navigating the criminal justice system for the first time can be incredibly difficult, which is why individuals charged with OUIs who represent themselves in court typically have a difficult time understanding the various pitfalls and outcomes of an OUI charge. It’s important to hire a qualified and experienced defense attorney to represent you. If at all possible, it’s best to work with a specialized OUI defense attorney rather than a general criminal defense lawyer. A lawyer who specializes in OUI defense will be better equipped to secure you a favorable outcome to your case.

Don’t: Plead Guilty

When you appear in front of the court for your arraignment you should never plead guilty on the first court appearance without first having all the information and reports in order to make an informed decision. Even if you took a breathalyzer test that showed your BAC was above the legal limit at the time of your arrest, you may not be found guilty or sentenced accordingly. An experienced OUI defense lawyer can help you argue for a Not Guilty finding or a case dismissal. At the very least, pleading Not Guilty gives you the opportunity to argue your case and try to secure less severe penalties for your OUI charge.

Do: Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with Attorney James Milligan

Attorney Milligan has 25 years of experience practicing exclusively OUI defense. Throughout his career, Attorney Milligan has received recognition for his outstanding performance in his field. Contact him today for a free OUI case evaluation.
